CBBM/BMF Administration

The CBBM administration manages rooms in buildings for biomedical research of the Medical Section (CBBM-, BMF, House 32/38). Applications for access cards and locking authorizations are made via the following functional email addresses:

For the CBBM: cbbm(at)uni-luebeck.de 
For the BMF and House 32/38: bmf(at)uni-luebeck.de
For House 32 (Possehl-Haus): p.hoeltig(at)uni-luebeck.de 


INFO Access Cards:

After application, access cards can be picked up Monday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the UzL ID-card office in the CBBM
(ground floor, room 1)!


Failure reports

Technical malfunctions in the research buildings can be reported here: https://focusinside.uni-luebeck.de/forms/gebaeudetechnikstoerung

CBBM Meeting Rooms

For CBBM research groups, meeting rooms (maximum 20 persons) are available for regular group meetings. Inquiries must be made via the online form HERE.

CBBM Seminar Rooms

Seminar rooms are available on the CBBM ground floor. Reservations are made after consultation with the CBBM office via UnivIS by the UnivIS representatives of the respective institutes/clinics!

BMF Seminar Room

A seminar room is available on the 4th floor of the BMF. Reservation requests can be made via an online form HERE.