Invited talk "Perceptual and Neural Organization of Auditory Signals"

by Björn Herrmann, PhD,

Brain and Mind Institute,

The University of Western Ontario,



will take place on Friday, August 18, 2017 from 11 to 12 am in CBBM Building, EG, B1/B2.

Host: Prof. Dr. Jonas Obleser
Institute of Psychology
University of Lübeck


The auditory signals that reach a listener’s ears commonly consist of a complex mixture of sounds from different sources. Neural systems face the challenge of perceptually organizing (or decomposing) this complex signal into meaningful parts (e.g., a person’s voice). Detection of statistical regularities, such as temporal regularities or correlations between sound features, is the basis for successful perceptual organization. Unlike young, normal-hearing individuals, people with hearing impairment, including the vast majority of normally aging people, show signs of impaired perceptual organization based on statistical regularities. In this presentation, I will talk about the neural signatures that index processing of statistical regularities, explore the role of a person’s attentional state on regularity processing, and outline age- and hearing-loss-related changes in neural organization of auditory signals.