DFG On-Site Review

The assessment of the SFB 654 ("plasticity and sleep") for its third four-year period of funding will take place on Tuesday 5.3.2013 morning (9:30h-13h) in the AudiMax building.


Guests are not only welcome tomorrow but highly desired because the reviewers should be impressed by the interest of our university for this SFB and by the support it gets from everybody. PLEASE COME!

Projects will be presented in 5-minutes talks from the "A level", consisting of 10 neuro-cognitive projects, the "B level", consisting  of 5 metabolic-endocrinological projects, and the "C level", consisting of 6 immunological projects.

Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Rolf Verleger, Klinik für Neurologie
Telefon +49 451 500 2916, Rolf.Verleger(at)neuro.uni-Luebeck.de